Paper Angel and Gifts – Carole Arnold

Hello, my name is Carole Arnold.

Living the dream of being my own boss doing something I love!  In 1993, I retired as a Paralegal/Court Reporter from the U.S. Navy where I served onboard two ships, followed by shore duty in San Diego, California. And, as recently as 2019, I retired as a Chief Clerk where I worked at the Criminal District Attorney’s Office in my hometown.

A proud member of the American Business Woman’s Association where I have held various board positions with our local Express Network Chapter, Women Growing Together Express Network. I have been awarded Business Woman of Year and Protégé of Year (2016) and Nominated for ABWA Top Ten Business Woman for 2023 and 2024.

I have been part of the Texas Market Guide family for over 10 years bringing you the opportunity share your stories in Origami Owl’s living lockets. I have recently changed my business to a hobby I have enjoyed for over 10 years. I now bring you custom greeting cards and gift boxes. My boxes are custom made for the gift you are presenting. I tell people I can make a box to fit just about anything (within reason of course). I donate $1.00 from every greeting card sold to a non-profit that I am a member of (Pain to Purpose). We help provide suitcase and toiletries to children being pulled out of their home due neglect/abuse. These children are taken from their home with their belongings thrown into black trash bags. We provide them some dignity and something to call their own.

Come see me at the next event. Bentley, my service dog will be with me.

Contact Information

Hours of Operations


8am – 5pm


8am – 5pm


8am – 5pm


8am – 5pm


8am – 5pm


8am – 5pm



Feel free to email me or text me during my business hours. However, you are free to shop on my website 24/7/365.

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